The history of chocolate
delight the palate, the sweet chocolate drink
are said to have invented the nuns of a convent in Chiapas to the 1550. They cooked a mixture of roasted cocoa beans, crushed vanilla pods and sugar cane on together.
chocolate long remained a luxury drink in the European princes and royal families. First Anne of Austria, in 1615 King Louis XIII. married, the chocolate was popular in France. She gave a Supreme Chailllion the exclusive privilege of producing and selling chocolate. He directed in 1675 the first Chocolate bar in Paris. In 1657 in London, a first chocolate house was opened.
universal home remedy
chocolate was initially in Germany, among other New World plants such as allspice, pumpkin seeds, aloe, tobacco leaves, sarsaparilla, papaya, pineapple, Styraxharz under the name "choccolata indica Pharmacies goods.
The authors of Scripture Curieuse and generous wine doctor recommended in 1753 chocolate with sugar, vanilla, cinnamon and eggs in water, milk or wine (!) Cooked as a universal home remedy for all situations. 1756 Wilhelm von der Lippe set up in Steinhude the first chocolate factory. 1798 calls a factory and manufactures address lexicon already 10 other factories. In 1800 alone there were 400 sugar baker in Hamburg that produced the delicious chocolate treats. Mid-19th Century, Germany was at the top of the consuming cocoa countries in Europe.
balm for the soul
From the mid-20th Century changed the image of chocolate from a medicinal and stimulant for the body more and more of a spa and luxury food for the soul.
chocolate museum