Portulaca oleracea, P. sativa, Portulakgewächse, m
Other names: Bürzelkraut, Kreusel
MANUAL: Purslane; French: Portulaca, pourpier
Description / Appearance:
root: branched spindle-shaped and wide.
Stem: creeping.
Leaves: ovate, fleshy.
Height: 15 - 30 cm.
Flower: small, yellow, caught between the forked branches.
originates from India, the world today.
in Persia before 2000 known for years afterwards in Egypt, and there is also evidence that the Greeks P. was familiar.
In the monastery gardens of the Middle Ages it was grown.
Wolfram von Eschenbach, the noble knight Sir Gawain can eat.
and nitrogen-containing nitrogen compounds, vitamins.
blood-cleaning, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, vermifuge.
use and commercial form: fresh leaves.
Taste: purslane tastes salty and refreshing.
In the kitchen:
salads, soups, sauces. In warm meat and fish dishes, the chopped leaves are added until the end to get the vitamins.
is in the Far East as a vegetable purslane gekocht.Rezeptvorschlag:
prepare purslane
garden / house: annual, because not hardy.
wild: on dry land, at Wegrädern, ditches, meadows and fields.
propagation: the seed is either brought forward from April in Saatkästen (only thinly covered with soil, germination time 10 - 20 days), quilted and at a distance of 30 cm planted or sown in May in the field, if no risk of frost.
In the garden: a warm, dry, loose soil in a sunny place constantly. P. can be both in window boxes kept in pots:
in the house.
maintenance: weeding, hoeing, watering.
P. harvested throughout the summer can be.
bitter When the leaves are longer than 8 cm long, they taste.
order to have always fresh leaves should be at a distance of a few weeks to sow again.
P. werden.Man can not be preserved by drying, deep freeze as well as P. salting also insert in vinegar or.
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